How to Avoid Covid-19 Infection While Using Your Car

How to Avoid Covid-19 Infection While Using Your Car 10 Apr 2020

Coronavirus – New Global Pandemic!! The whole world has infected by COVID-19. More than 2 lakh people have been infected with this pandemic globally & more than 8700 have died. Since through this figure, we can estimate the effect of coronavirus on our life. The virus has become the worst threat to our life. So, it’s become necessary to follow strict safety tips. But along with your body, you must take care of your car to avoid corona infection.

Before discussing the car safety tips, let’s have a light on some useful tips to protect yourself from COVID-19 infection-

There are three best ways to protect yourself from COVID-19 pandemic. The firstly is Social distancing, The secondly, Qurrantining and Thirdly Sanitizing. If you follow the above three ways properly, then, you can protect from COVID-19 easily. The WHO has advised people to wash their hands with sanitizer after 2 or 3 hours & the most important thing is to wash your hand till 20 seconds to get rid of COVID-19. Always wear a mask & gloves while talking to someone.

  • Make sure to maintain at least 3 feet distance from people who are suffering from coughing or sneezing
  • Avoid touching on your eyes, nose & mouth because our hand touches many places that may include viruses
  • Stay at your home

We have discussed how to protect human beings from the COVID-19. But what about the car? Be with us to know-

Safety Tips to avoid COVID-19 While using the car-

First, try to go alone in the car. if not possible then, you should wear a mask & gloves during the outing. Always disinfect your car & clean those places where you often touch. let’s look at some tips such as-

Disinfect Your all Interior of the Car–

Always disinfect all interior of your car as this is the most infected surfaces. Interior includes such as- door handles, steering wheel, seat position control, elbow rests, radio and infotainment control etc. Don’t ignore these safety rules for the car to get rid of COVID-19. These tips are most important for taxi drivers or the people who take passengers in the car.

Disinfect your all exterior of the car

Disinfecting the exterior is equally important as cleaning the interior of the car. Exterior includes- Door frame, the luggage compartment handle, windows etc.

Point to Remember– Try to use a microfiber cloth for cleaning rather a hydrogen peroxide. Because it will damage your surface.

Be attentive while at the Petrol Station

As per the research, fuel pumps have approximate 11,835 viruses than a public toilet seat. Always wear gloves or masks at a gas station & use online payment method on fuel pumps to minimize the risk of COVID-19

Never forget to Disinfect your dashboard in the car

The Dashboard is the most virus-infected surface in the car. Because when it circulates, then air gets on the top of it. Accordingly, bacteria enter into the dashboard.

Don’t forget to clean the air conditioner vent

As COVID-19 spread through droplets. It can go up to 6 feet once from the place of sneezing person & can stay in the air for about 30-40 minutes. Since infected air can be stuck in the filter for a few days & may infect you. So, clean your air conditioner vent well.

The Bottom Line-

Stay at home, Keep sanitizing & maintain social distance!! Along with this also follow the above tips to save your car.

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